Subject: LEASING: WFW6 Auto Lease Info Author: N. Roskowski Uploaded By: PC James Date: 5/28/1994 File: LEASING.ZIP (142863 bytes) Estimated Download Time (35079 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1981 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, Windows 3.x, MS Word 6.x or compatible Keywords: Roskowski, Lease, Information, Car, Vehicle, Automobile, Winword, WFW, Word, Win31 Type: Shareware Version: 05/23/94 Uploaded by the author A collection of 9 Microsoft Word 6.0 formatted documents intended to help you as a consumer to understand what auto leasing is all about. Includes the following topics: Is leasing the answer for you? Everybody has some questions about leasing. Learn the auto leasing lingo. More car for less money fuels popularity of leasing. Whats the difference between buying and leasing? Dealers Agree: Leasing is the way to go. Each topic is contained in its own document. Start by opening READ1.DOC. Next refer to LEASE1.DOC then LEASE2.DOC and so on until you get to LEASE7.DOC. Also include is an avery disk label, LABEL1.DOC. To use, open LEASE1.DOC - LEASE7.DOC (in MS Word 6.x, or a word processor that can convert the format) Documentation: READ1.DOC